This cluster involves partnerships between several GCC member institutions, including Rice University, University of Houston, Baylor College of Medicine, and The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (UTHealth), as well as the Texas Heart Institute, Texas Children's Hospital and other southeast Texas institutions. Developments in regenerative medicine are making it possible for patients or athletes to live without debilitating heart disease, to re-grow cartilage in an injured knee, for injured soldiers to recover and return to normal life, for children with congenital heart defects to receive a heart or valve patch that will grow as they do, and for researchers to finally understand the initiation and progression of various diseases of organs and other connective tissues. With a keen eye toward non-embryonic stem cells and their abilities to restore the body, regenerative medicine applies tissue engineering strategies -- together with other biological, engineering, and computational techniques -- towards the replacement or repair of biological tissues. If Houston and the greater Southeastern Texas researchers and physicians join efforts through this GCC Cluster in Regenerative Medicine, the TMC can lead the nation in discovery and treatment in regenerative medicine. While this cluster represents an unprecedented opportunity to place Houston and the Texas Medical Center at the forefront of regenerative medicine, the initial focus will be on cardiovascular, musculoskeletal, gastrointestinal and "soft organ" research. Faculty will work together under this cluster to establish an inter-institutional 'Center of Excellence'. This new cluster is under development and a forum is being planned to bring the community together. In the meantime, if you would like to become a participating faculty member, please email Melissa Thompson,, to be added to the list.
Professor, Center for Cell and Gene Therapy, Molecular and Human Genetics, Pediatrics, Medicine, and Program in Translational Biology & Molecular Medicine
Professor and Director, Basic Science and Translational Labs, Molecular Surgery Endowed Chair, Director, Molecular Surgeon Research Center, Baylor College of Medicine
Children's Fund Distinguished Professor, Pediatric Surgery, Director of the Pediatric Trauma Program, Children's Memorial Hermann Hospital, Professor, Center for Stem Cell & Regenerative Medicine, UT Health Science Center at Houston
Director, CBL, Director, BTI Institute, Hugh Roy and Lillie Cranz Cullen University Professor, Computer Science, Biomedical Engineering, Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Houston
Chair, Robert and Janice McNair Endowed Chair and Professor, Molecular and Human Genetics, Professor, Integrative Molecular and Biomedical Sciences, Developmental Biology, Translational Biology & Molecular Medicine, Baylor College of Medicine
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