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Gulf Coast Cluster for Cellular and Molecular Biophysics
Description: The Cellular and Molecular Biophysics (CMB) Cluster will build upon the prior consortia for Magnetic...
Gulf Coast Cluster for Regenerative Medicine
Description: This cluster involves partnerships between several GCC member institutions, including Rice Univers...
Gulf Coast Cluster for Single Cell Omics
Description: Single-cell omics is a rapidly growing new field that provides many advantages over traditional 'bul...
Gulf Coast Consortia Immunology Cluster
Description: The principal goals of the GCCIC are to 1) promote awareness among participating faculty of the tech...
Gulf Coast Consortium for Antimicrobial Resistance (GCC AMR)
Description: A collaboration of leaders in antimicrobial resistance researchers from all of GCC institutions as w...
Gulf Coast Consortium for Mental Health Research
Description: The term "mental health" encompasses an extremely large landscape, including the classic psychiatric...
Gulf Coast Consortium for Theoretical and Computational Neuroscience
Description: PURPOSE: To advance research and training in Theoretical and Computational Neuroscience...
Gulf Coast Consortium for Translational Pain Research
Description: The mission of the Gulf Coast Cluster for Translational Pain Research (GCCL TPR)is to alleviate pa...
John S. Dunn Gulf Coast Consortium for Innovative Drug Discovery and Development
Description: Formerly the John S. Dunn Gulf Coast Consortium for Chemical Genomics (GCC CG) which was formed in 2...
Junior Faculty Network
Description: Between the Keck Center and our many Research Consortia, the GCC has many opportunities and resource...
powering - The Partnership
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