VISION The Center for NeuroEngineering (CNE) will be a multidisciplinary and inter-institutional center of excellence that fosters advanced engineering approaches to the analysis and control of the nervous system in order to enhance and restore neuronal function. The CNE will bring together basic and clinical researchers, as well as clinicians, from the Texas Medical Center and its surrounding universities. MISSION The Center for NeuroEngineering is to provide the intellectual, material and administrative infrastructure for collaborative engineering approaches in the Neurosciences. OBJECTIVES of the CNE are: •To bring together engineering-minded researchers and physicians dedicated to synergistic work on the nervous system •To support new and unconventional collaborative approaches to reverse-engineer the nervous system in order to assist both the healthy and diseased nervous systems •To produce advanced procedures, instruments, and devices that interface with the nervous system •To recruit and train students at all levels in NeuroEngineering techniques •To develop collaborative grant proposals for CNE members •To reach out to the community to promote the importance of NeuroEngineering
Director / Primary Contact : Thompson, Melissa Suzanne, Program Director, Research Consortia, Gulf Coast Consortia 713-348-4772 NONE
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