Dr. Northrup's research specialties are focused on behavioral treatments for substance use disorders (SUD), secondhand (SHSe) and thirdhand smoke exposure (THSe) prevention (particularly as SHSe and THSe relate to mothers and infants in the neonatal intensive care unit [NICU]), and smoking cessation. Currently he is the PI for an NIH (NICHD)-funded R03 focused on THSe in the NICU. He was the Site Principal Investigator for a completed NIDA Clinical Trials Network study with individuals abusing or dependent on stimulants. He is also a co-investigator/data manager/study coordinator for several other research projects, including studies involving SUD pharmacotherapy, motivational interviewing, and acceptance/mindfulness-based interventions. Populations of interest include pregnant women, mothers/families with a child in the NICU, and individuals who use opioids and illicit substances.
Publications/Creative Works
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