Dr. Mary Ann Ottinger's research incorporates interdisciplinary and comparative biology approaches to understand the impacts of environmental chemicals, specifically endocrine disruptors (EDCs) on neural systems, behavior and aging. Her studies have utilized a spectrum of species, ranging from birds to non-human primates, providing expertise in translational studies across model systems. Studies in birds allowed direct manipulation of the embryo; adverse effects from EDC exposure occurred in maturing and adult individuals, impacting reproductive, thyroid, and adrenal endocrine systems and impaired heart development. FigureOther studies focused on benefits of calorie restriction on aging in non-human primates, and studies in transgenic Alzheimer's disease (AD) mouse models revealed estradiol treatment ameliorated cognitive and neural decline in AD. As an administrator, Ottinger continues to utilize an interdisciplinary approach and build teams to address complex research problems facing us at regional, national and global scales. Further, she has facilitated workshops and symposia to engage key stakeholders spanning multiple disciplines, academic institutions, government and industry partners to enhance communication and develop strategic partnerships to advance research initiatives.
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