Distinguished Service Professor, Professor, Medicine, Molecular Virology and Microbiology, Baylor College of Medicine, Vice Chief of Staff for Academic and Educational Affairs, Chief of Medicine Service, Herman Brown Teaching Professor of Medicine, Ben Taub Hospital
Mail Box: BCM 177, Ben Taub Hospital, Room No.: BTH 1 CH 11 007
Dr. Greenberg's past research interests have been in the area of respiratory viral infections. His early interests centered on the use of interferon for the common cold. He has published on the role of respiratory viruses in asthma and chronic bronchitis. He has participated in several national trials of new antiviral drugs that are now used for the treatment of varicella - zoster, herpes simplex encephalitis, influenza, and HIV/AIDS. He has also collaborated on trials for influenza and HIV candidate vaccines.
Publications/Creative Works
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