Associate Professor, Integrative Biology & Pharmacology, UT Health Science Center at HoustonKeywords: Cell Signaling Programs in Cancer, Cell Signaling, Transcriptional Regulation, Genomics, Bioinformat...
Assistant Professor, Molecular and Human Genetics, Neuroscience, Pediatrics-Neurology, Baylor College of MedicineKeywords: Neurodevelopmental and Psychiatric Disorders, Neurogenetics, Epilepsy, Autism, Translational Neurosc...
Professor, Biochemistry and Biophysics, Texas A&M UniversityKeywords: Biochemical Mechanisms of Marine and Plant Species-Derived Bioactive Agents: Role in Immune Modulati...
William W. Akers Chair, Professor, Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering, Rice UniversityKeywords: Density Functional Theory, Molecular Dynamics, Molecular Dynamics Simulation, Molecular Modeling, Mo...
Associate Professor, Center of Emphasis in Diabetes and Metabolism, Texas Tech Health Science Center El PasoKeywords: DNA, Neurotrophic Factors, Genetics, GABA, Neuron, Nerve Growth Factor, NGF...
Assistant Professor, Breast Surgical Oncology, UT MD Anderson Cancer CenterKeywords: Letrozole, Breast Neoplasms, Triple Negative Breast Neoplasms, Estrogen Receptor Modulators, Carcino...
Professor, Infectious Diseases, UT MD Anderson Cancer CenterKeywords: Neoplasms, Cytomegalovirus, Infection, Transplants, Hematologic Neoplasms, Virus Diseases, Respirato...
Professor, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, UT Health Science Center at HoustonKeywords: Circadian Clocks, Small Molecule Modulators, Metabolic Disease, Aging, Nutrition and Diets, Autophag...
Professor and Chair, Experimental Radiation Oncology, UT MD Anderson Cancer CenterKeywords: DNA Damage, Proteins, DNA, Genomic Instability, DNA Repair, Repair, Neoplasms, Recombinational DNA R...
Professor and Director, Basic Science and Translational Labs, Molecular Surgery Endowed Chair, Director, Molecular Surgeon Research Center, Baylor College of MedicineKeywords: Pancreatic Cancer, PLGA-PEI Based Nanotechnology, Endothelial Dysfunction and Vascular Disease, Angi...
Assistant Professor, Physics, University of HoustonKeywords: Batteries, Electrocatalysts, In Situ Transmission Electron Microscopy, Thermoelectric Materials...
Assistant Professor, Human Genetics Center, Epidemiology, Human Genetics and Environmental Sciences, UT Health Science Center at HoustonKeywords: Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, Genome-Wide Association Study, Genome, Meta-Analysis, Exome, Fasting, Sing...
Professor, Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, UT MD Anderson Cancer CenterKeywords: Neoplasms, Genome, Mutation, Genes, Tumors, High-Throughput Nucleotide Sequencing, Human Genome, Gen...
Associate Professor, Computer Science, University of HoustonKeywords: data visualization; geometric moedeling; geometry processing; physically based simulations...
Assistant Professor, Chemistry, University of HoustonKeywords: Nanocrystals, Copper, Transcription, Nanomaterials, Nanoparticle Synthesis, Transcriptional Regulati...
Associate Professor, Pathology and Immunology, Baylor College of MedicineKeywords: Autoimmunity and Inflammation, Dendritic Cells in Immune Regulation, Cytokine Signal Transduction...
Assistant Professor, Gastroenterology, Hepatology, & Nutrition, UT MD Anderson Cancer CenterKeywords: Hepatocellular Carcinoma, GI Cancer, Immunotherapy, TGF-Beta Signaling, Neoplasms, COP9 Signalosome ...
Assistant Professor, Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, UT Medical Branch at GalvestonKeywords: integrin, platelet, mechanobiology, hemostasis and thrombosis...
Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of HoustonKeywords: Real-Time + Embedded Systems, Functional Reactive Systems, Cyber-Physical Systems, Power-Aware + Gre...
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