Research Professor, Physics, University of HoustonKeywords: Material Characterization, Materials, Thin Films and Nanotechnology, X-ray Diffraction, Thin Film De...
Professor, Center for Cell and Gene Therapy, Molecular and Human Genetics, Pediatrics, Medicine, and Program in Translational Biology & Molecular MedicineKeywords: T-Lymphocytes, Human Herpesvirus 4, Bone Marrow Transplantation, T-cells, Cytotoxic T-Lymphocytes, N...
Professor, Molecular Virology and Microbiology, Baylor College of MedicineKeywords: microbiome, microbiota, probiotics, ribosome, bacterial genetics, precision genome editing, recombin...
Instructor, Molecular and Cellular Oncology, UT MD Anderson Cancer CenterKeywords: PCR, Cell Culture, DNA, Protein Purification, Molecular Biology, Proteins, Biotechnology, Biochemist...
Professor and Chairman, Clinical Cancer Prevention, UT MD Anderson Cancer CenterKeywords: Breast Neoplasms, Estrogen Receptors, Breast, Transcription Factor AP-1, Neoplasms, Retinoids, Tamox...
Professor & Vice Chair, Harvey S. Rosenberg Chair, Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, UT Health Science Center at HoustonKeywords: Cancer Biology, Phosphorylation, Pathology, Molecular Pathology, Lymphocytes...
Jake and Nina Kamin Chair of Otorhinolaryngology and Communicative Sciences and Professor, Otorhinolaryngology, Baylor College of MedicineKeywords: Membrane Potentials, Cell Membrane, Cochlea, Hair Cells, Outer Auditory, Hearing, Cochlear Amplifier...
Professor, Department of Hematopathology, UT MD Anderson Cancer CenterKeywords: hematopahtology, pathology, surgical pathology, lymphoid and myeloid cell differentiation, leukemias...
Professor, Pathology and Microbiology & Immunology, UT Medical Branch at GalvestonKeywords: Ebolavirus, Viruses, Respiratory Syncytial Viruses, Marburgvirus, Vaccines, Human Parainfulenza Viru...
Assistant Professor, Vivian L. Smith Department of Neurosurgery, Director, Will Erwin Headache Research Center, UT Health Science Center at HoustonKeywords: Somatosensory Cortex, Hand, Neurons, Aotidae, Primates, Spinal Cord Injuries, Haplorhini, Callithrix...
Professor, Pediatrics, Director, Fellowship Research Training, Pediatric Nutrition and Gastroenterology, Associate Director, Translational Biology and Molecular Medicine Graduate Program, Baylor College of MedicineKeywords: Nutrition, Metabolism, Insulin Resistance, Clinical Nutrition, Nutritional and Metabolic Diseases, G...
Vice President, Research & Technology, Director, Office of Technology Management, UT Health Science Center at HoustonKeywords: Air Embolism, Dogs, Decompression, Gases, Embolism, Decompression Sickness, Lung, Surface Tension...
Professor and June and Virgil Waggoner Chair, Neurobiology & Anatomy, UT Health Science Center at HoustonKeywords: Aplysia, Sensory Receptor Cells, Serotonin, Neurons, Motor Neurons, Learning, Synapses, Classical Co...
Professor, Chemistry, University of HoustonKeywords: Organic Synthesis and Methodology, Mass Spectrometry, Organic Thin Films, Surface Functionalization ...
Professor, Experimental Therapeutics, and Co-Director,The RNA Interference and non-codingRNA Center, UT MD Anderson Cancer CenterKeywords: MicroRNAs, Neoplasms, Untranslated RNA, Long Noncoding RNA, B-Cell Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia, Gen...
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