Professor, Experimental Radiation Oncology; Senator A.M. Aikin Jr. Distinguished Chair; Vice Provost, Science, UT MD Anderson Cancer CenterKeywords: Phosphorylation, Phosphotransferases, Cdc25 Phosphatases, Cell Cycle, 14-3-3 Proteins, Serine, Prote...
Professor, Pediatrics-Oncology, Molecular and Human Genetics, Baylor College of MedicineKeywords: Genetics, Cancer, Mutation, Cancer Genetics, Cancer Predisposition Syndromes, Genomic Instability, G...
Director, Therapeutics and Pharmacology Program, Professor, Experimental Therapeutics, UT MD Anderson Cancer CenterKeywords: Cytarabine, Gemcitabine, B-Cell Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia, Arabinofuranosylcytosine Triphosphate,...
Associate Professor, Molecular Physiology and Biophysics, Baylor College of MedicineKeywords: Cellular Reprogramming, Retina, Regeneration, Electron Transport Chain Complex Proteins, Vertebrate ...
Professor, Pediatrics-Hema & Oncology, The Elise C. Young Chair in Pediatric Oncology, Baylor College of MedicineKeywords: Childhood Leukemia, Cancer Survivorship, Clinical Pharmacology of Anticancer Agents in Children...
Assistant Professor, Translational Cancer Research, Texas A&M UniversityKeywords: Bioinformatics, Pharmacogenomics, Drug Discovery, Pharmacology, Translational Science...
Professor Emeritus, UT Medical Branch at GalvestonKeywords: Nutrition, Inflammation, Gastrointestinal Diseases, Cytokines, T Lymphocytes, Colorectal Cancer, Inf...
Professor, Biochemistry and Molecular Virology & ImmunologyKeywords: Protein Structure-Function & Folding, Virology, Biochemistry, Immunology, and Cell Biology of Viral ...
Associate Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of HoustonKeywords: Deep Learning, Supervised, Semi-Supervised and Unsupervised Learning, Learning with Missing and Nois...
Professor, Behavioral and Brain Sciences, Area Head, Cognition and Neuroscience Program Head, Cognition and Neuroscience PhD, University of Texas at DallasKeywords: Translation Regulation, Neuropathic Pain, mTOR, elF4E...
Assistant Professor, Psychiatry, UT Health Science Center at HoustonKeywords: Addiction Adult General Psychiatry Bipolar Disorder Depression ECT PTSD TMS Trauma Second Opinion Mo...
Postdoctoral Fellow, Cancer Systems Imaging, UT MD Anderson Cancer CenterKeywords: Embryonic Structures, Blastocyst, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, Assisted Reproductive Techniques, Meta...
Professor, Vice Chair, BCB Graduate Program, UT Health Science Center at HoustonKeywords: Calmodulin, Troponin C, Calcium, Chickens, Vitamin D, Binding Sites, Muscle, Microvilli...
Professor, Molecular and Cellular Biology, Baylor College of MedicineKeywords: Cell Culture, Western Blot Analysis, Cancer Biology, Molecular Cell Biology, Cell Signaling, Metabol...
Professor, Pediatrics, UT Medical Branch at GalvestonKeywords: Human Herpesvirus 2, Virus Diseases, Herpes Genitalis, Respiratory Tract Infections, Mycoplasma Geni...
Assistant Professor, Molecular and Cellular Biology, Baylor College of MedicineKeywords: Nuclear receptor coactivator-1, -2, and -3, breast cancer, prostate cancer, metastasis...
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