Professor and Chair of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Texas Southern UniversityKeywords: Genetics, Genotyping, Pharmacokinetics, Pharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology, SNP Analysis, O...
Professor, Deputy Department Chair, Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, UT MD Anderson Cancer CenterKeywords: Neoplasms, Atlases, Genes, Tumors, Long Noncoding RNA, Genome, Mutation, MicroRNAs...
Chair, Clinical Associate Professor, Health Systems and Population Health Sciences, University of HoustonKeywords: Population Health, Social Determinants of Health, Health Informatics, Team Science, Community Engage...
Professor, Cullen Chair, Molecular and Human Genetics, Cullen Foundation Chair and Director, Computational and Integrative Biomedical Research Center, Baylor College of MedicineKeywords: Evolution, Phylogenetics, Comparative Genomics, Molecular Evolution, Structural Bioinformatics and S...
Professor and Chair, Industrial Engineering, University of HoustonKeywords: Optimization, Operations, Operations Research Applications in Health Systems, Homeland Security, and...
Professor and Deputy Department Chair, Systems Biology, Chief, Section of Systems and Translational DNA Repair, UT MD Anderson Cancer CenterKeywords: DNA Damage, Neoplasms, DNA Repair, Breast Neoplasms, Recombinational DNA Repair, Genomic Instability...
Associate Professor, Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Baylor College of MedicineKeywords: Digital Mental Health Interventions, Addiction Treatment, Implementation Science, Clinical Trials Re...
Professor, Chemistry and Electrical & Computer Engineering, Rice UniversityKeywords: Chemistry for Energy and Sustainability, Spectroscropy & Imaging, Plasmonic Nanoparticles, Novel Com...
Professor, Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, UT Health Science Center HoustonKeywords: Verbal Learning, Brain, Visual Pattern Recognition, Brain Injuries, Cognition Disorders...
Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, University of HoustonKeywords: Novel Magnetic Materials and Devices, Nanoscale Dimensions, Micro- and Nanomagnetic Materials and De...
Associate Professor, Pharmaceutics, University of HoustonKeywords: Molecularly Targeted Drug Delivery Systems, Nanoparticles, Nanoconjugates, Prodrugs, Anticancer Drug...
Assistant Professor, Neurosurgery & IMM Stem Cell Center, UT Health Science Center at HoustonKeywords: Stem Cell Therapeutics, Stem Cell Disease Modeling, Neuroscience...
Associate Professor, Quantitative & Computational Biosciences Graduate Program, Baylor College of MedicineKeywords: Gene Expression, Genomics, Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, Next Generation Sequencing, Tra...
Professor, Co-Director, Texas Therapeutics Institute, UT Health Science Center at HoustonKeywords: G-Protein-Coupled Receptors, Genes, Mutation, Deoxycytidine Kinase, Ligands, Tryptophan Hydroxylase,...
Associate Professor, Neurobiology and Anatomy, UT Health Science Center at HoustonKeywords: Genomics, Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, MicroRNAs, Genes, Gene Expression, Proteins, Neu...
Professor, Imaging Physics, UT MD Anderson Cancer CenterKeywords: Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Cerebrovascular Circulation, Brain, Perfusion, Language, Perfusion Imagi...
Assistant Professor, Center for Translational Cancer Research, Institute of Biosciences and Technology -TAMHSCKeywords: Tumorigenesis, Cancer Prevention, Aging-Related Diseases, Autophagy Defect, LRPPRC, MAP1S (C19ORF5),...
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